Sky Replacement for Real Estate
Sky replacement used in images taken of a new residential development in Auckland.
As simple as the name, it means to replace the sky in an image! So no matter what the weather is doing on the day you can rest assured your images show a beautiful sunset or bluebird day!
The replacement sky is then edited and adjusted to suit the image and blend seamlessly with lighting and the environment surrounding. All together this created an undetectable and natural looking sky!
Blueprint Studios implements sky replacement in all of our photography, our aim is to provide a natural and realistic look that is totally undetectable.

Virtual Staging for Real Estate
Virtual staging of new unfurnished apartment in Central Auckland.
Virtually staging a space means to stage images of the space, be it a room in a home, the backyard, or a recent residential development – not the actual building or property itself.
Virtual staging brings a lot to the table (no-pun intended) such as mitigating the high costs of renting furniture for home staging.
The adoption of virtual staging for real estate photography is an obvious must -it has been widely popular among many industries such as architecture, property development, building and construction for years.
For example, a newly built apartment building could be empty of furniture, in this case editors would add furniture to the images to create a sense of the space and give viewers a feel for what could be done to the room.
Another example is a backyard pool area, but the pool is full of leaves! Here the image of the pool is virtually staged to remove the leaves and clean up the area.

“If you think hiring a professional is expensive, wait till you hire an amateur. “